On the other side of suffering and grief is hope and joy. This is a journey of forward movement and how I have tried to make my way back to living in a world that once seemed natural and normal. Adapting to an unnatural lifestyle is constant practice, it takes patience with myself and others. Being caught by surprise is a new normal. Sometimes I am scattered like a broken yo-yo on traumatic memories and other times I feel completely connected to grace and provision. It feels rich and important to share new understandings, dreams, tips, confessions and ideas here with each of you like a window open to our process. We are grateful to our readers and the connection life offers to be with you.

How Does the Soul Rest?
When we dwell in the shelter of the Most High it is an absolute choice in the soul.

He is our “True North”
An overarching visual of a thriving marriage that has come by surrendering with my husband.

Breath of Life ~
I am a simple, complex human, mama of deep child lovin’, people-serving creature.